Show Notes From Nutrition with Judy
"I had the pleasure of sitting down with Rebecca Contreras. We talked about her struggles and how she overcame insurmountable odds to achieve the success she has today. Rebecca Contreras had been a “lost girl” for almost two decades when, at age 19, she found herself to be a dropout and a welfare-dependent teenage mother. Her new book, Lost Girl recounts her journey from getting off welfare to eventually advising President George W. Bush. After serving in government for 15 years, and cutting her teeth in consulting for ten years, Rebecca is now the owner of AvantGarde, which currently has 100+ employees nationwide. We discuss the following:
All about Rebecca Contreras
Rebecca’s story
Mental illness issue in America
The thought of giving up and being a fighter
How faith helped her
High levels of estrogen and sugar addiction
Hormone replacement therapy
Old-school mentality towards health
Obesity and food addiction
How to start fighting for a better day
Where to find Rebecca Contreras"