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Starting Over with Rebecca Contreras

This week, we have a VERY special guest, Rebecca Contreras, who will be sharing one of her personal starting over stories! Rebecca is an author, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Her book “Lost Girl” shares her journey from growing up in the hood, to serving in an influential role in the White House, to becoming a Millionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist through her and her husband’s not for profit organization. On this journey, Rebecca reached many places where starting over was necessary in order to move forward and ultimately achieve most success than she’d ever believed possible.

Rebecca Contreras is a vibrant, intelligent powerhouse and I’m so excited to have a very important conversation about shifting your mindset, aligning with your purpose, and being open to the possibilities that show up.

Join Rebecca and your host, Jackie Mott on this episode of Time to Rise & Thrive to join in the conversation!

Rebecca Contreras is the author of Lost Girl – From the Hood to the White House to Millionaire Entrepreneur, which recounts her journey from becoming a welfare-dependent teenage mother to advising a sitting president, to driving a successful 100-person company.

Rebecca is a social and business entrepreneur who spent nearly twelve years with the George W. Bush legacy, first in Texas as his Director of HR then in DC in the White House as a Commissioned Officer supporting the Presidential transition. She started her fifteen-year service in government in a welfare-to-work program for Texas icon Ann Richards and achieved tremendous heights in her success.

Far more than a rags-to-riches story, Lost Girl presents Contreras’s self-reflection of how she first survived in El Paso and endured the hardships of the life she was born into, and later overcame obstacle after obstacle through self-determination, perseverance, faith, and a few helping hands.

Join in the Live Chat Room too!!!

*Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!

~ More About Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott~

Jackie Mott is a Mindset Coach and a Facilitator of Change. She has a unique perspective that often challenges the status quo and believes that it’s never too late to start over, that as long as we are still breathing it is possible to create an entirely new way of being.

When Jackie’s sister died in a car accident in 2012, her world went into a tailspin that caused her to become a seeker. As she started to learn and explore who she truly was, she realized that sharing her gifts and her perspective helped people see things differently and heal.

Since then, she’s learned to embrace and develop her unique talents and abilities and has used them to become a Certified Strategic Intervention Coach and Inspirational Speaker. She practices mindfulness, gratitude, and radical personal responsibility and uses those skills to help people challenge their limiting beliefs and conditioning so they can create new ways of being from a place of choice and possibility.

To get more of Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:


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